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vérification du niveau d'huile moteur

The dangers of insufficient engine oil level

Oil is so important to your vehicle’s engine that in the event of a leak, your first instinct should be to go to your mechanic. In fact, like a lubricant, engine oil helps prevent friction and friction between the different components of your engine. But that’s not all, since it also plays a leading role in cooling, eliminating deposits, and therefore, in protecting said engine.

A malfunction can have significant consequences, require major repairs and… unexpected costs!

What are the causes and symptoms to look out for and above all, what are the dangers of an insufficient engine oil level? Let’s do a check in.

Causes and symptoms of low engine oil level

It is no coincidence that one of the first mechanical actions we learn to do on cars is checking the oil level. Easy to operate and guaranteeing safety in many respects, this manipulation often makes it possible to decide whether the drop in the engine oil level is the consequence of realistic or problematic use. It is perfectly normal for the engine to consume a certain amount of oil over time. But if between each check, the level decreases drastically, it means that the problem is deeper. Here are the most common causes when it comes to low engine oil levels:

  • Of course, we immediately think of leaks. There are many parts that can contain them: oil pan, drain plug, or even defective seals, worn pistons, etc. A thorough analysis of the components of your engine could allow you to identify the origin of the leak.
  • Do not overestimate the reliability of the oil pressure sensor; If it’s not working properly, it may give you inaccurate oil level data, telling you it’s lower than it really is. A false alarm you could do without!
  • The oil pump should also be monitored. Responsible for the proper circulation of oil in the engine, a malfunction on its part would prevent it from pumping sufficient oil and ensuring optimal lubrication of all engine parts.
  • Along the same lines, clogged ducts could also hinder the proper circulation of the oil.

Now that the causes are established, what signs should you watch for to avoid excessive oil loss?

  • The oil pressure light. Present on the dashboard, it lights up in the event of insufficient oil pressure. It is better not to ignore it and go to your mechanic as soon as it appears.
  • The behavior of your engine. An engine with an oil level that is too low emits abnormal noises, shaking, vibrations, but can also lose power and ultimately have a tendency to overheat.
  • The drop in oil pressure at idle. Again, a sign not to be ignored.
  • Leaks again! This may seem logical, but it is essential to conclude whether these leaks observed come from a somewhat chaotic oil change, or from a more worrying problem.

We say it again and again: oil level drops must be taken seriously. But what dangers are we talking about exactly?

Drop in oil level: dangers with serious repercussions!

Yes: a drop in engine oil level can have significant consequences on the general condition of your car… and that of your wallet!

As explained, oil is used to lubricate the engine. A drop in its level therefore leads to a drop in this lubrication, and consequently an increase in friction between engine parts, which can lead to breakage or premature wear. Pistons, rings, valves and bearings are particularly affected by an oil deficit, and their repairs or replacements can be extremely expensive.

Earlier, we mentioned the risks of engine overheating, which can also damage the engine and require expensive technical interventions.

Before the breakdown, the engine may also suffer from power and efficiency problems, which translates into difficulty accelerating and keeping its speed constant. The other collateral damage? An increasing fuel consumption!

Preventing Engine Oil Level Problems

So, how can you be sure to maintain an adequate oil level, extend the life of your engine, and generally, that of your vehicle?

  • By periodically checking the oil level, of course, but also by changing it regularly during your inspection visits to your mechanic.
  • While checking your oil level, also don’t forget to submit your car has an equally regular inspection. This way, your specialist will be able to detect potential sources of problems and prevent them from becoming more serious.
  • Finally, be careful about the oil used in your engine. The type and viscosity of the engine oil to recommend are indicated by the manufacturer.

You will have understood: vigilance is essential when talking about the oil level in your engine! Essential to ensure its proper functioning, it is also one of the essential elements for the durability and longevity of your vehicle.

To avoid mechanical problems, ranging from minor leaks to major lubrication system failures, consult your mechanic regularly. Are you looking for one? So there is no doubt that the specialists at Trans-Mico Automotive will be able to answer your questions regarding checks and preventive maintenance, and reduce your worries about costly inconveniences and unexpected breakdowns. Quickly detecting and resolving potential problems, and ensuring you drive safely, these are their ultimate performance criteria! Don’t wait for small defects to become major problems, and leave your car in their hands: you won’t be disappointed, and neither will your peace of mind!

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