Why you should not ride winter tires during summer?
Winter tires
It is said that the tire is certified winter only if it meets the conditions necessary for driving in the winter season. It must therefore be very efficient on icy or snow-covered roads and resistant to very low temperatures.
This type of tire is designed with “Thermo Rubbers”. This is a material that helps maintain elasticity when mercury drops below 7 ° C and allows tires to better grip your vehicle on snowy roads.
Summer tires
The summer tire, however, is certified summer only if it is effective on dry and / or wet ground. These are wheels that have been optimized for road handling in the summer season. Unlike winter tires, summer tires have a more resistant rubber. Turns on dry or wet ground are better anticipated with these adapted tires.
Is it a good idea to ride with your winter tires during summer?
Using your winter tires in summer is not prohibited. No law prevents you from doing it. But what does the CAA-Quebec (Canadian Automobile Association) think about it and what about wear?
What does the Canadian Automobile Association (CAA-Quebec) think?
According to CAA-Quebec, after a few tests, the winter tires used in summer lengthen braking distances and make collision avoidance manoeuvres quite difficult in case of emergency. Thus, by keeping your winter tires all year round, you not only put your safety at risk, but also that of other road users.
Premature wear
You think you are saving money by using your winter tires all year long? Well, unfortunately, your financial argument has no grounds.
When temperature rises in summer, the rubber in your winter tires wears faster than your summer or four-season tires. You will have to buy new tires for next winter.
During hot summer days, the rubber of this type of tire disintegrates very quickly, showing signs of wear. Indeed, the rubber becomes too supple and your studs soften. As a result, your vehicle will hurtle as soon as you make a rough manoeuvre.
In case your winter tires are at end-of-life and you want to save money by keeping them in the summer, then be aware that the hydroplaning becomes a fairly high risk at every rainfall!
It is advisable to perform a check and change of your tires with a garage which is specialized in the field such as Trans-Mico.